Portal "zabava.square7.net" je sajt koji prikazuje video snimke, igrice i ostali zabavan sadržaj. Nijedan video snimak koji se može videti na zabava.square7.net nije u vlasništvu sajta "zabava.square7.net" , niti se hostuje na našem serveru. Svi video snimci se hostuju na sajtovima poput YouTube, Google, Yahoo, Dailymotion i ostali ... Samim tim sajt "zabava.square7.net" nije odgovoran za legalnost istih i kršenje autorskih prava.
Ukoliko ima snimaka za koje smatrate da krše autorska prava molimo vas da se obratite sajtovima na kojima se hostuju takvi snimci i prijavite ih kako bi isti bili uklonjeni. To će prouzrokovati i uklanjanje sa sajta "zabava.square7.net" Svaki neprikladan snimak možete prijaviti i na kontakt stranici portala "http://zabava.square7.net/contact.html" i nakon provere on će biti uklonjen iz baze našeg sajta (ali će i dalje biti dostupan na drugim sajtovima, sve dok se potpuno ne ukloni sa servera, npr. YouTube).
Terms of Use and Copyrights
Portal "zabava.square7.net" is a site that displays videos, games and other fun content. No video that can be seen on zabava.square7.net is not owned by the site "zabava.square7.net", nor hosted on our server. All videos are hosted on sites like YouTube, Google, Yahoo, Dailymotion and others ... Therefore, the site "zabava.square7.net" is not responsible for the legality of the same and copyright infringement.
If there are any images that you believe infringe on copyright, please contact sites hosting such videos and report them in order to remove them. This will also cause the removal from "zabava.square7.net". You can also report any inappropriate video on the portal page "http://zabava.square7.net/contact.html" and after the check it will be removed from the base of our site (but will still be available on other sites until it is completely removed from the server, for example YouTube).
You may not upload, post, or transmit (collectively, "submit") any video, image, text, audio recording, or other work (collectively, "content") that: